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Stem cell therapy: How innovative treatments for spine and disc disorders can relieve chronic pain

Writer: The BioXcellerator TeamThe BioXcellerator Team

Updated: May 6, 2022

If you suffer from pain in your neck or back, you’re certainly not alone. After all, according to the American Chiropractic Association, back pain is the third most common reason people visit a doctor.

Although pain may be caused by a serious injury or serious disease, the most common diagnosis is degenerative disc disease. That’s a disorder that develops gradually as we age because the tissues inside the discs between each vertebra in the spine deteriorate, which causes those discs to sag or bulge – producing more pain that can increase over time.

Until recently, physicians could offer two options – surgery and medication. Yet surgery can be complex and require extended recovery time. As for medications, they merely mask pain and may cause unwanted side effects. Neither option offers much potential to actually heal damaged tissues inside the discs.

But now there’s another treatment option – stem cell therapy. This is an entirely new approach that’s based on 22 years of clinical research and takes advantage of the body’s own natural healing ability to not only repair spine and disc damage, but also slow down the process of aging throughout the entire body.

BioXcellerator, a global leader in stem cell therapy and research, has developed specialized treatments for spine and disc disorders — customized to each patient — that can help more people suffer less pain and lead a more active life.

Ongoing patient follow-up show impressive results. According to BioXcellerator CEO Eric Stoffers,
  • 80% of patients report less pain within just one week after treatment – and even more improvement over the 6 to 12 months after treatment.

  • And 80% of patients note improvement in their overall range of motion thanks to relief from chronic back and neck pain.

So stem cell therapy does work for a majority of patients, but how does it work?

How stem cell therapy works: Taking advantage of the body’s natural healing abilities

Stem cell therapy offers a more natural way to alleviate pain, relieve symptoms, and heal damage that may be more effective than surgery or medication and result in fewer side effects.

That’s because stem cell therapy is based on how the body naturally repairs itself. After all, your body is constantly creating new cells to replace older cells in whatever organs or structures need repair or healing. These cells are very different because they are each designed for a specific biological task. For example:

  • Muscle cells interpret nerve impulses so you can move your body.

  • Digestive cells process food to provide nutrition

  • Blood cells transfer nutrients throughout your body.

  • Immune cells attack foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.

All these cells function very differently, but all share one characteristic. Each cell contains your entire DNA – the complex molecule that defines your genetic profile. In other words, all of the cells in your body include a complete set of instructions of how to make any type of cell. That’s because each cell began as a stem cell before it became specialized to perform a specific biological function.

These stem cells come from your bone marrow and are then transformed into the specific types of cells your body needs. According to BioXcellerator Chief Medical Officer Dr. Karolynn Halpert, the body “knows how to repair itself” That can be seen in how the body naturally uses stem cells to replace damaged cells. For example:

  • If you get a burn, your body goes right to work to turn stem cells into new skin cells.

  • When a colony of bacteria invades, stem cells become immune cells to attack those bacteria.

  • And when discs in your spine deteriorate, stem cells are turned into cartilage needed to repair that damage.

Injury and disease certainly direct attention to the formation of specific cells, but whether you realize it or not, your body is constantly repairing itself in many different ways. After all, all cells die over time and need to be replaced. This natural process of turning stem cells into specialized cells keeps you healthy, prevents disease, and maintains your vitality.

Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies don’t have access to as many stem cells than when we were younger. That leads to signs of aging. With fewer stem cells available, there may not be enough available to create new skin cells, so skin gets wrinkled. Or there may not be enough stem cells available to form new immune cells, increasing the potential for serious diseases.

When it comes to spine and disc disorders, stem cells are turned into cartilage cells that help regenerate tissue that’s essential to keeping those structures healthy.

Maintaining a strong backbone: New powerful stem cells to promote healing

You probably don’t think much about your spine – until you feel pain – but it’s a remarkable structure. It is after all, the “backbone” that supports your body, helps you stay upright, and forms the central connection for your head, arms, and legs.

That takes a lot of strength, but it also needs to be flexible so you can easily walk, move your arms, turn your head, and protect your spinal cord. Because it needs to be so flexible, your “backbone” isn’t really one bone, but an intricate chain of smaller bones called vertebrae. These are very delicate structures.

To keep your spinal column healthy and to protect these vertebrae, there’s a structure — a “disc” — between each of these vertebrae. These discs are a form of cartilage which contain a jelly-like substance that creates a cushion between each of the bones in your spinal column.

Many physicians describe these discs as “shock absorbers” for your body. That’s a good description because these soft pads absorb forces in a way that prevents the bones in your spine from grinding against each other.

Yet just as shock absorbers wear out in cars, discs can wear out, too. In some cases, these discs can be ruptured, or herniated. In other cases, these discs begin to bulge or sag. This degeneration can occur anywhere along the spine, but often it’s the lower spine – or lumbar region – that’s affected most.

But with stem cell therapy, your body can use an infusion of millions of fresh stem cells to regenerate damaged disc tissue, rehydrating those discs so they can be as effective as “shock absorbers” as they were when you were younger.

BioXcellerator's Stem Cells: Millions of high-potency stem cells to help relieve pain and promote healing

Not all stem cell therapy centers use the highest-quality cells, nor provide a high enough quantity of the most potent cells in their treatments. BioXcellerator has developed a proprietary protocol that’s based on a specific type of stem cell — mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from donated umbilical cords. Studies show these cells demonstrate excellent results.

These MSCs are thoroughly tested and screened to eliminate diseased cells and those that don’t demonstrate high enough levels of potency. Then these cells are purified and reproduced to create infusions of millions of the most potent stem cells.

According to BioXcellerator CEO Eric Stoffers, “This type of stem cell therapy offers more cells at much higher potency – and is not available in the United States. That’s why patients from around the world travel here for treatment.”

Exceptional results: Less pain, better health, and more vitality

Patients who receive stem cell therapy for spine and disc disorders report excellent results. As bulging discs return to a normal shape and herniated discs get repaired,

As BioXcellerator CEO Eric Stoffers said, a vast majority of patients do report less pain, but more objective evidence also demonstrates significant improvement.

MRI scans show that:

  • 80% of patients disc tissue is regenerated, based on higher disc hydration levels, not just the height of the discs.

  • And 70% of patients score higher on the standard Oswestry Disability Index test in the first three months after treatment.

Even better, stem cell therapy can help reduce the overall impact of aging throughout the body. After all, once the body uses enough stem cells to repair damaged discs, stem cells are used to replace deteriorating immune system cells to enhance immunity, create new skin cells to rejuvenate skin, and promote healing in many other ways.

“Stem cell therapy can ‘turn back the clock’ and slow the overall aging process.” Eric Stoffers explained. “That our patients – whatever they are being treated for – also report feeling better – a lot better. They feel younger. They feel more alive. That’s because stem cell therapy enhances immune function and can help reduce chronic inflammation.”

“Yes, we are pleased when so many patients get relief from serious back pain,” he added. “But stem cell therapy has the potential to help you live healthier, longer and stay active later in life. That’s why I say that age 100 might soon be ‘the new 60.”


If you’re interested in learning more about advanced stem cell therapy and determining if stem cell therapy is right for you.

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